The Goals of Session 2 include:
A. Connect argumentation to a classroom context
B. Analyze student arguments and the relationship between argumentation and conceptual understanding
2.1. Introduction
To download the slides please click here Introduction
2.2. Why teachers value argumentation
Why do you value argumentation in your classrooms?
Video 1: HS teacher John T talks about Argumentation and Perseverance
Video 2: Elementary teacher Sarah B talks about leveling the playing field and finding the math power in each student
2.3. Argumentation in Action: Is It a Half?
2.3.1. Overview of Activities for Is It a Half? Task
To download the slides please click here Argumentation in Action
2.3.2. Short Guide on Viewing Videos
In our experience, watching classroom video is most informative when we keep certain principles in mind. This brief guide gives suggestions for how to get the most professional learning out of watching classroom videos.
To download the slides please click here How to Watch a Classroom Video
2.3.3. Is It a Half? Task
Before engaging with the videos, you should familiarize yourself with the task being done by students.
A. Do the Task – Please download and read the Task and Task Cards document.
B. Class Background – Please download and read the Background on Class for Video document.
2.3.4 Is It a Half? Videos and Reflection
The next set of activities involves three video clips. For each, first review the guiding questions. Then, watch the brief video clip and reflect on the questions for that clip. After each clip, review the summary slides and commentary for that clip.
Clip 1 - Is it a Half?
A. Video
B. Guiding Questions
Guiding questions as you start watching:
a. As you watch, listen for the students’ ideas. How are they understanding what a half is?
b. What is the role of argumentation at this point in the lesson?
Reflection questions after the clip:
c. Reflect on a & b.
d. What might the teacher do next? How might she, or you, support these two students in sorting through and extending their ideas about ½?
C. Commentary On Clip 1
To download the slides please click here Is It a Half Clip 1
Please download and read the Transcript of Clip 1 - Is It a Half
Clip 2 - What Makes Something a Half?
A. Video
B. Guiding Questions
Guiding questions as you start watching:
a. As you watch, listen for the students’ ideas. How are they understanding what a half is?
b. What is the role of argumentation at this point in the lesson?
C. Commentary on Clip 2
To download the slides please click here Is It a Half Clip 2
Please download and read the Transcript of Is It a Half Clip 2 document.
Clip 3 - Three Parts
a. Developing a counting strategy
b. Using the counting strategy, and continuing to make sense
c. Argumentation and error detection
A. Transcript
Please download and read the Transcript of Is It a Half Clip 3 document.
B. Guiding Questions
Guiding questions as you start reading:
- As you watch, listen for the students’ ideas. How are they understanding what a half is?
- What is the role of argumentation at this point in the lesson?
Reflection questions after reading the transcript of the clip:
- Reflect on a & b.
- What might the teacher do next? How might she, or you, support these two students in sorting through and extending their ideas about ½?
C. Commentary on Clip 3
To download the slides please click here Is It a Half Clip 3
2.4 A Secondary Perspective
Since the "Is It a Half?" video focused on an elementary classroom, we have included a secondary level task and work samples here. Please do the task, review the work samples, and use the page of guiding questions to reflect on and discuss the students’ work samples. After discussing, click on the educreations video for some project commentary on the student work samples. More detailed discussion of individual work samples has also been included.
2.4.1. Inverses Task
Start by downloading and working through the the Inverses Task.
2.4.2. Student Work Inverse
Next, please download and examine the Student Work Samples for the Inverses Task.
2.4.3. Commentary on Student Work Inverses
Then, download and watch the Commentary video for discussion of the student work samples.
2.4.4. Commentary on Inverses Talk Frame
Lastly, download and read a word or a pdf document. These documents provide detailed discussions of the arguments made by students for the Inverses Task.
2.5 Bridging to Practice
Please download and watch the Bridging to Practice slides.
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